Saturday, March 21, 2015

Motorized pedal bike. $225 OBO

Needs spark plug work. Non running, not sure how to make it run.  But I have been told it just needs spark plug work, meaning wire and a new plug.

Friday, March 20, 2015

2 Gallon Gas can. $8 OBO

Tow mirrors. $25 OBO

Driver side has extra bubble mirror, whereas the passenger does not.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bed Bath & Beyond gift card

Bed Bath & Beyond gift card of $211.99 
asking $185 OBO

Motorcycle leather brake grips $15 OBO

Bowl $8 OBO

Brown Onyx desk clock $18 OBO

Glee season One vol 1 & 2 $18 OBO

Honda Goldwing windshield $50 OBO

1982 Honda Goldwing Windshield.
Wider than stock and only used for about one month.  No scratches. 

Bird Launcher $55 OBO

Bird launcher for training a hunting dog.  Or a launcher to play a real life version of angry birds!

Car tow bar $65 OBO